Magic Mushrooms

While the effects of magic mushrooms vary depending on the person and dose, they typically produce feelings of euphoria, well-being, and increased creativity. Some people also report experiencing visual or auditory hallucinations. In some cases, magic mushrooms can induce spiritual experiences and heightened states of consciousness. For certain people, these effects are significant and provide a sense of peace and understanding. For others, they are overwhelming or scary. When someone consumes psychedelic mushrooms, the psilocybin binds to 5-HT2A serotonin receptors on the surface of nerve cells. Serotonin is the “feel good” chemical that helps regulate mood, thinking ability, perception, and sleep. Therefore, when psilocybin binds to serotonin receptors, it affects how information flows between different brain regions. This results in changes in consciousness and perception. These changes can be positive or negative depending on the person’s mindset, expectations, and environment

7 thoughts on “Magic Mushrooms

  1. Gina bawlee says:

    Longer experience I had was 5 hours,very intense reality shattering, but I loved every minute. Too bad there isn’t a trip remote control, I’d totally rewind this experience and live it again

  2. Imiina says:

    When your shroom trip but realized you have 8 more hours left
    I’ve been chasing for a good source where l can get my meds ❤️ Psychonautmedshop has the best trippy products such they also has benefits for mental slavery

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